Minister Fast Visits Yinghua Bond
Posted on September 10, 2013

One More Canadian Success Story

Bond International Schools Excelling in China


“Students in Yinghua Bond are among the best I have ever met. I was so impressed with their understanding of international business and it’s relation to Canada.” commented the Honourable Ed Fast, Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway during his visit to the Bond Education Group’s Canadian (Ontario) program at Yinghua Bond  International College, in Tianjin, on April 17, 2013.

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The Honourable Ed Fast, Canadian Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway, and the Honourable Alice Wong, Minister of State (Seniors) visited Yinghua-Bond International College together with the Honourable Victor Oh, Canadian Senator from Ontario and M. Guy Saint-Jacques, Canadian Ambassador to Beijing, during a recent five-day trade mission to China and Japan to promote Canadian expertise in the information and communication technologies (ICT) sector.


Yinghua Bond is one of the Bond Education Group’s international secondary schools located in Tianjin, China. Of the school’s 61 graduates, this year, 60 will study at Canadian colleges and universities in September.


Bond has been offering the Ontario Secondary School Diploma, in China since 1997.Including Yinghua-Bond, the Bond Education Group has enrolled over 1250 students in seven schools throughout China. Bond also has two secondary schools in Toronto – Bond Academy and Bond International College which welcome students from around the world.


“The Minister’s visit is one more special honour for Bond, following the visit by Prime Minister Harper to Huamei-Bond International College, in Guangzhou, in February, 2012.”, stated Dr. Julia Li, President of Bond Education Group. She emphasized, “One more time, Bond’s attention to quality in the international education field has been recognized. It is a whole group effort. Our schools in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Nanging and Yinchuan are all proud to be playing a part in the recognition Bond is receiving.”



  1. Minister Fast speaking with Canadian Teachers at Yinghua Bond. (From Left: Dr. Julia Li, Minister Ed Fast, Senator Victor Oh and Teachers)
  2. Four Students in Yinghua Bond presenting their learning during the visit
  3. Minister Fast speaking to staff and students at Yinghua Bond.
  4. Ministers Fast and Wong were receiving kites made by Yinghua Bond students
  5. Dr. Julia Li, President of Bond Education Group and Mr. Hugh Mckeown, Director, Bond International Education Programs introducing Bond Education Group and its international programs



